Wednesday Bible Blurb 5/24/2024 Shepherd Stories: The Lion
It was a wonderful afternoon, blue skies and warm. The forest was alive with birds and squirrels. The pine trees were thick along the trail, the huckleberries were long past being ripe and the scrub brush was thick. It was fun to be out of the classroom with the other children. School had started and the first-grade class was on a field trip hiking up an old unused ski area. About 30 little children led by a teacher and some aids worked their way up the former ski trail. It could not have been a more beautiful afternoon to be outside in Montana. Unknown to them, they were being watched. Eyes from the forest followed their every move. As the string of children got longer and further apart the American lion made his move. Stealthy, hiding, patiently waiting is the hall mark of the American lion, known as a “cougar” or the “Mountain Lion” of North America. “They have set their eyes, crouching down to earth, as a lion is eager to tear his prey, and like a young lion lurking in secret places.” (Psalms 17:11b-12 NKJV. All verses are NKJV unless otherwise noted).
The African Lion, the “King of Beasts” is big and burly with a beautiful main. A beautiful creation from God, but for now a terrifying beast of the wilds of Africa. These beasts live in packs with females and roar their presence to a terrifying affect. Yet, when hunting, they too are stealthy like the American lion. Both species will pounce and either quickly snap the neck of its prey or hold its prey down and grab its throat until the prey suffocates. Either way they are efficient killers and a frightful animal in the wild. “Their roaring will be like a lion, they will roar like young lions; Yes, they will roar and lay hold of the prey; They will carry it away safely, and no one will deliver. “ (Isa. 5:29).
The line of children continued up the mountain hill. “Save Me from the lion’s mouth…” (Psalms 22:21a).
Children, small animals and even the swiftest of the field fall prey to the mighty lions of this earth. We, too can fall prey to the mighty lion of Satan. We, too are vulnerable to his attacks. We must “be sober, vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” (I Pet. 5:8). We are being watched, Satan is stealthy, hiding, patiently waiting for his moment of attack. He finds our personal weakness and then he pounces. He comes in for the kill. Snapping the spiritual neck of the Christian or suffocating them slowly, watching them die a slow agonizing spiritual death, day after day.
As the children continued hiking…”Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they will comfort me” (Psalms 23:4).
In his captivity, the apostle Paul was fed to the lions. God reached out and delivered him from the mouth of the lion. (II Tim.4:17). David killed both the bear and the lion in defense of his sheep. (I Sam. 17:34-36). It was through the power of God that David defeated the giant Goliath, just like he had killed the lion. Goliath had defied the power of God and the LORD delivered Goliath to death. God will deliver us from the roaring lion Satan and his wiles. He “stopped the mouths of lions” (Heb. 11:33) and He protects His sheep today.
The lion suddenly pounced from the brushy grass at the edge of the woods. Before he could react, last in line and falling behind, the little six-year-old boy was caught in the mouth of the lion. Children scattered, screams of horror and agony were heard. The lion began to carry the little boy off into the woods. Reacting quickly, a young high school boy grabbed a stick and beat the lion off of the little first grade child. His onslaught thwarted; the lion left off the attack for the safety of the mountain. Bleeding, hurt and scared the child was carried off of the mountain to safety where he recovered. Later the fish and game tracked and shot the attacking lion. “The devil, who deceived them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone…” (Rev. 20:10a).
Be careful. Be aware. Satan is out there, watching, stealthily, patiently waiting to pounce on God’s family. Be vigilant.