Brian Franks and Mike Wallace function as our Co-elders for the Colorado Springs Church of God (Seventh Day). They are both bi-vocational and serve the church on a volunteer basis.
Brian Franks has served in leadership and Pastoral roles for over 20 years. He and his wife have been married for 15 years and they have four children together. Brian received his call to church leadership at a young age and has served in various roles, including: audio and sound tech, janitor, youth leader, preacher, pastor, board member and elder. Brian graduated from the COG7 ministry school, Artios Christian College, and also completed a Master of Divinity degree. Brian is interested in practical theology, discipleship, counseling, and evangelism.
Mike has been a part of the Church of God since 1972. He has a Diploma of Biblical Studies (1979), A B.A. in Theology (1982). He has been a professional insurance agent since 1986. Mike currently serves as our online elder and is the fellowship coordinator for the COG7 in Montana and co-elders the Colorado Springs COG7.
As each one has received a gift,
minister it to one another,
as good stewards of
the manifold grace of God.
1 Peter 4:10
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