Wednesday Bible Blurb “Call Reluctance” 7 17 2024
I was a brand-new insurance agent back in 1986 sitting frozen to my desk. I just sat there and stared at the phone. I knew I needed to pick it up and call the potential client on the other end, but I just sat there, starring off into empty space and worrying the client would turn down my product offer. Call reluctance is a real thing in the world of sales. Sitting, thinking, making excuses to not make the call are a normal part of the business life. Overcoming call reluctance takes time and training but it will continue to rear itself up over and over again. One thing to understand is this, if we do not make the call, their answer is “no”. If we do make the call, it may be a yes or it may be a no. Either way, there is a much better chance of success by over coming call reluctance and making the call.
God has reached out and called us. He does not suffer from call reluctance even though He realizes we have to make a choice to accept His product of salvation or not. In fact, we cannot even accept the call from God unless He calls us first. (John 6:44). Unlike the U.S. government, God does not have a “do not call” list. It is our human duty to accept the call from God and then go do what He wants us to do! Are we reluctant to accept His offer of salvation through Jesus?
Jesus told His disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” (Matt. 28:19a [NKJV]). When we accept the call from God, we must also accept the job from God. Our job is “go preach the gospel”. Are we reluctant to go as requested?
Jesus instructed His disciples, His called out and chosen ones, “You shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaira, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8). The disciples waited in Jerusalem and on Pentecost the Holy Spirit infused them with the desire to “go” preach the gospel. They accepted the call, lost their natural reluctance and began to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God. They went out and did so well that soon persecution came upon them. Being put into prison, beaten with whips and charged with heretical sedition by the government of their country could give anyone some “call reluctance”.
Saul, who was vigorously persecuting the church with threats of beatings, murder and imprisonment set out for Damascus to bring these new heretics from Judaism bound back to Jerusalem. (See Acts 9:1-22 for the complete story). God had other plans for Saul. With what seemed like lightning and thunder Saul was struck down on the road to Damascus, blinded and led by hand into the city where he was subsequently healed and sent out to do God’s bidding. Saul accepted the call. There was a caveat to Saul’s call as God was very specific about Saul’s future. God spoke directly to Ananias about Saul, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, Kings and the children of Israel. For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.” (Acts 9:15-16). Paul would suffer for what he had done to the people of God. We can read the horrific list of trials and sufferings he went through for accepting the call from God in II Cor. 11: 22-29. But, “Immediately he preached the Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God.” (Acts 9:20). Saul accepted the call and without reluctance went out and preached Jesus.
What holds us back from accepting our call from God? Are we willing and able like Peter and Paul to “go” and preach the gospel of the coming Kingdom of God? Are we experiencing our own spiritual “call reluctance”? Do we sit for our Bible study and just stare off into space unable to move forward? Do we sit in church services and then get up and go home and not preach/teach the saving grace gospel of Jesus to those we meet? Do we make excuses for ourselves about expressing our faith in Jesus to others? Maybe we think, I only speak English, I don’t really have anything to offer, I have no talent, I am too young or I am too old. I might not know the answer, I don’t feel well, no time, no money. All excuses we need to overcome. Spiritual call reluctance is a real thing.
Faith is how we overcome our spiritual call reluctance. We have such a great list of spiritual heroes who overcame their spiritual call reluctance. Look at what they went through to preach about God, “through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle, turned to flight the armies of the aliens. Women received their dead raised to life again. Others were tortured, not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection. Still others had trial of mocking and scourgings, yes, and of chains and imprisonment. They were stoned, they were sawn in two. Were tempted, were slain with the sword. They wandered about in sheepskins and goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, tormented-of whom the world was not worthy. They wandered in deserts and mountains, in dens and caves of the earth.” (Hebrews 11:33-39). They accepted the call from God and in the heat of great trials overcame their spiritual call reluctance.
Jesus tells us to “count the cost” and to “forsake all” (Luke 14:28,33) to become His disciple and follow Him. Are we willing, ready and able to accept the call from God, even if it is a collect call? God has picked up His spiritual phone and given each of us a call. Will we answer Him and accept the charges? If need be, are we willing to pay the price? Peter did. Paul did. The heroes of Hebrews 11 did.
For 38 years I have suffered from “call reluctance in my professional insurance career. With training and fortitude, I have learned to pick up the phone and make the call. I have overcome most of my fears but not always. Call reluctance is real. Spiritual call reluctance is real. Faith is what helps us to overcome our spiritual call reluctance. Only when we accept the call from God, will we have any chance of success. Pick up the spiritual phone, dial in with God and without any reluctance, “go preach the gospel of the kingdom of God.”