A Day of Salvation

Modern religion believes one must be saved now or they will forever be lost. According to this un-Biblical belief billions and billions of people throughout human history are lost to Satan and are burning forever in
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We have all seen the bumper stickers. “Those who have never heard of Jesus Christ are going to hell.” “If you died today would you go up to heaven or down to hell?” “Are you saved?”  “Free trip to heaven.” “How will you spend eternity- Smoking or non-smoking?” What do these pithy little sayings have to do with God and Christianity? Are they based on true Biblical concepts of the next life- or death? Or are they based on misinformation about the ultimate future of mankind? These sayings are based on a FALSE belief of mankind going to heaven or to hell after death (See www.cscog7.org resources and read the one page articles on heaven and hell).  These bumper sticker sayings are born of the current belief that God is saving everyone now and that this is the only day of salvation. This is a false belief!

Modern religion believes one must be saved now or they will forever be lost. According to this un-Biblical belief billions and billions of people throughout human history are lost to Satan and are burning forever in hellfire. Consequently, God is losing the battle for humanity. God is NOT a vindictive unmerciful God! God is merciful (Psalms 116:5)! God is love (I John 4:8, 16)! God has not left billions of humans to burn forever in hellfire. He is “love” and not the author of eternal torment.

God’s plan for mankind is beyond awesome and is laid out for us in the Bible. God is NOT calling everyone at this time but each in their own due time (Rom. 5:6; I Tim. 2:6; I Pet. 5:6). In fact God has blinded (not called) the vast majority of humans as of yet (Deut. 29:2-4; Rom. 8:7; Gal. 5:17; Psalms 81:11-12 Rom. 1:28; 11:5-8, 32). Even at the end of His earthly ministry there were only 120 followers of Jesus who’s eyes he had opened (Mark 4:11-12). But rest assured the God of love will have mercy on man after their unbelief is removed and their eyes are opened (Rom. 11:32). ALL mankind will be called and given their chance to be a part of God’s family! In the future Kingdom of God He will call all people to Him and remove their blindness (Isa. 25:7-8; 9:2-7). He is not willing that any should perish (II Pet. 3:9).

God is calling a select few now and throughout human history to be His first fruits who will be resurrected at His return and they will rule and teach with Him in the kingdom of God (I Cor. 6:2; Rev. 1:6). See the www.cscog7.org resources tab, one pager on Pentecost, Feast of, for an explanation of God’s “first fruits”.  God will resurrect all peoples back to life and give them ALL their first chance to love and obey Him. The Great White Throne Judgement of Revelation 20 explains the final judgement of man. Rev. 20:5 shows the rest of the dead lived not again until the 1,000 year Kingdom was complete. In verses 11 and 12 all peoples are resurrected and given their opportunity to except God as their savior (Rev. 20:11-15). Salvation will then be open to all, the blindness of their eyes will be opened and the hardness of their hearts will be removed. All will be given a chance to choose (Deut. 30:19-20).

Some have been confused by II Cor. 6:2, which seems to say that now is the ONLY day of salvation. But the word “the” in the KJV is actually misleading, because it is absent in both the Hebrew and the Greek.*   II Cor. 6:2 is a quote used by Paul from the Old Testament verse of Isaiah 49:8. The Hebrew text of Isa. 49:8 does not have a definite article. Neither does the Greek text of II Cor. 6:2. The Knox Bible translation correctly renders the verse “I have answered thy prayer, he says, in a time of pardon, I have brought thee help in a day of salvation.” Many have used this poor translation to proclaim today is THE only day of salvation. When in fact for each of us this is A day of salvation. The absolute truth is God will eventually call every human who has ever lived to be a part of His family.  God is saving all mankind in His own time.

* Regards to an article from 1958 by Dr. C. Paul Meredith for the explanation of II Cor. 6:2.

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