Biblical Perspectives
Daily we see on the news about the Arab and Israeli conflict. Who is right? Who is wrong? Who started the wars?
Only the Holy Bible of Judaism and Christendom are the true and holy, perfect Word of God.
Do not be mistaken, Legalism is: SELF Righteous judging of others. Complain, correct, criticize and condemn follows a pattern that leads to destruction.
We can all do our best to try to perfectly keep the law of God and we will all FAIL. We are saved ONLY by His grace, His unmerited pardon for our sins of imperfection.
The Passover of the Old Testament pointed to Jesus Christ and Christ alone.
I yelled out to my family, “Sheep down” which let them know there was trouble in the pasture.
Faith does not mean smooth sailing; it means hang on for dear life until the storm is gone because Jesus is going to walk by and make it right.
Then a most wonderful thing happened. Little Squeaky walked over and put her wet little nose on my nose. I was face to face with little Squeaky.
Sometime during the early evening, a rattlesnake slipped into the tent with me and curled up near me.
Colossians 2:16-17” Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: Which are a shadow of things to come: but the body is of Christ.”
By the beginning of the second century the church of Rome had begun to migrate to “Sunday” church services rather than the 7th day Sabbath day.
All of us have sinned and will sin again (Rom.3:23) therefore all of us need to repent of our sins and ask God to change us into the Godly nature that Jesus Christ had.
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The heavens declare the glory of God. The heavens declare in full view of all who would see, His magnificent creation. The Northern Lights also called the Aurora Borealis declare the glory of God and His creation.
Faith is not an intellectual exercise of study and doing nothing! Real faith has to do with doing what God says to do and relying on Him.
What do I mean by the words, “Think,” “Act,” “Do” and “Be”? These four words are simply a word play to remind us throughout the day to keep God in mind at whatever task we are doing.
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