Rock Family Church. New Song Church. New Life Church. Radiant Church. Lighthouse Temple. Discovery Church. Calvary Worship Center Church. Lutheran Church. Methodist Church. Jehovah’s Witness Church. Latter Day Saints. Episcopal Church. Anglican Church of England. Christian Scientist. Elevate Church. Come as you are Church.
It seems there is a church on every corner all with different names and all spouting differing doctrines of their version of Christianity. One Bible of 66 books and each church preaches a different gospel and has a different name. This is amazing since we are to all preach the same thing and have no divisions among us (I Cor. 1:10).
What did God name His Church (I Thes. 2:14; II Thes. 1:4; I Tim. 3:5; Matt. 16:18 “God’s Churches)? Have we ever thought about this from God’s point of view? It is His church not man’s church. Let us take a tour of the New Testament and find where God named His Church and what name He gave to it.
John 17:11 Jesus prays that God protect His church in HIS name.
Acts 20:28 “Be shepherds of the Church of God.”
I Cor. 1:2 “To the Church of God”.
I Cor. 10:32 “Do not cause anyone to stumble, whether Jews, Greeks or the Church of God…”
I Cor. 11:16 “Churches of God.” Paul is referring to the different Church of God congregations.
I Cor. 11: 22…”do you despise the Church of God?”
I Cor. 15:9 “I persecuted the Church of God.”
II Cor. 1:1 “To the Church of God in Corinth”.
Galatians 1:13…”I persecuted the Church of God.”
I Tim. 3:15 “If I am delayed, you will know how people out to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the church of the living God…”
Rom. 16:16 The “Churches of Christ salute you”. Jesus is/was God in the flesh (John 1:1, 14)
What we see throughout the New Testament is the church is God’s Church. It bears the name of God and no other name. We ought to conduct ourselves worthily in the Church of God. There should be no divisions among us (I Cor. 1:10). The church of God has one doctrine (I Tim. 1:3, Gal. 1:6; I Tim. 4:16; Titus 2:7; Heb. 13:9). The Church of God has one name: God’s name and no other!
We are the Church of God 7th Day. In modern society for legal and tax reasons Churches legally name their church. The Church of God has added “7th Day” for legal purposes and to delineate it from other churches. We maintain the name of the “Church of God” as God commanded, in all its glory and meaning.