Halloween is a pagan religious celebration of the dead. It is NOT to be kept by Christianity!!
God said, “Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you…” Deut. 4:2. As Christians we are repeatedly told by God to keep His commandments and His days of worship and to NOT keep any of the days of man. See Deut.12:30-32. After repeating His ten commandments in Deut. 5 God says in verse 29, “O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children forever!” We are to honor and obey God above all else and only God has the authority to decide what is right and wrong. We are to keep God’s days, not man’s (Deut. 4:13-14). We are not to add or mix in our days of worship with God’s days (Pro. 30:6). We must not preach another gospel (II Cor. 11:3-4). Those who do preach another gospel are “false prophets” and are in league with Satan himself (II Cor.11:13-15. If we preach and teach “another gospel” we are accursed (Gal. 1:6-8). Christians are not to go back to their prior doctrines, the “weak and beggarly” elements of man’s false pagan religions (Gal. 4:9-11). We must remove ourselves from the traditions of men (Col. 2:8).
Halloween is an aged pagan celebration with ceremonies older than Christianity itself. It is a holy day of man’s devising to worship the dead. “The two chief characteristics of ancient Halloween were the lighting of bonfires and the belief that of all nights in the year this is the one during which ghosts and witches are most likely to wander abroad.”1 On this night the Druids would light bonfires to honor the “Sun-god”. “Further, it was a Druidic belief that on the eve of this festival Saman, lord of death, called together the wicked souls that within the past twelve months had been condemned to inhabit the bodies of animals.” 1 These pagan satanic Druidic festivals “grafted some of the characteristics of the Roman festival in honour of Pomona…” 1 “It was the night for the universal walking about of all sorts of spirits…”2 It was believed one must give a demon a treat and if the treat satisfied the demon it would leave you alone. These satanic beliefs and rituals have been practiced around the world for thousands of years by Miztecs (Central America), Druids, Celts, Scots, Cambodians, Romans, Welsh, Norseman of Scandinavia, Germans etc. In 610 A.D. the pagan temple dedicated to Cybele and all the gods was consecrated and rededicated by the bishop of Rome to the Virgin Mary and dedicated to the saints.3 By 834 A.D. “All Saints Day” in the Catholic church had replaced all but in name only the ancient pagan celebration of the dead and was kept on the exact same day as the pagan festival, October 31.
The term “Halloween is the end product of a process by which “All Hallows Eve” became All HallowE’em”. 4 Or as we know it, Halloween. It is truly a pagan festival and is meant to honor the dead and those who are suffering in “purgatory” or “hell” according to traditional Catholicism. Halloween is NOT a festival of the true God but of Satan the god of this world (II Cor. 4:4).
Halloween is a night to worship the dead and the demons who work for Satan. It may seem like harmless fun but it is a direct celebration of ancient paganism in honor of Satan himself and it is not to be kept or participated in by Christians or their children! Christians are not to mingle in and mix pagan celebrations with the truth of God.
Halloween is based on the Satanic lie that mankind has an immortal soul and thus our human “spirit” wanders around looking for ways to get out of hell and or purgatory. See the article on the “Immortal Soul” at the www.CSCOG7.org website for a further explanation of the fate of the human “soul”.
1. Encyclopedia Britannica 11th ed. 2. Highland Superstitions, Alexander Macgregor 3. The Mysteries of All Nations, Grant 4. Oxford Companion to World Mythology, Leeming.