God’s Festivals: An Historical Perspective
The history of God’s annual Festivals and His Holy Days are found extensively in both the Old and the New Testament and in secular histories. God’s days do NOT include Christmas, Easter or Halloween.
Fertility rites with bunnies and eggs, the early morning “Easter” sunrise service while looking to the east are all practices much older than Christianity.
Do we realize Christmas is not only not mentioned or commanded to be kept in the Bible but it is in fact of a pagan origin? Christ’s apostles did NOT celebrate His birth.
Halloween is a pagan religious celebration of the dead. It is NOT to be kept by Christianity!!
Sin: What is it?
We have seen sin is the “transgression of God’s law”, to “miss the mark”, “whatever is not of faith is sin” and “knowing to do good and not doing the good is sin”.
Jubilee Year
Amazingly to this day many people are still somewhat familiar with the year of “Jubilee”. But being “somewhat familiar” and understanding its purpose are two very different things.
We have seen how Jesus gave Peter, James and John a VISION of what the future will be like for those who are glorified with God at the return of Jesus. Moses and Elijah are still dead and awaiting their resurrection along with all of God’s saints.