The Secret Rapture
Does Jesus return “part way” to earth and then return to Heaven with His raptured saints? The simple answer is no He does not return part way and then wait to return again another day.
Kingdom of God — What it will be Like
The Kingdom of God will eventually (after the initial war at His return) bring a new age of peace, love and harmony for all mankind. Huge grain harvests, love, pure fresh water, peaceful animals and loving families will envelope the earth under the Kingship of Jesus Christ.
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God
God the Father told Jesus what to preach. The gospel of the Kingdom of God comes directly from God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ to us (John 12:49-50; John 1:1)
Christian Baptism
The concept of Christian Baptism is often brought up concerning the salvation of God’s saints. Is baptism necessary for salvation? How is it done? When should one be baptized?
Giving to the Church
The Bible is full of instruction on giving. Giving to the poor, giving of the tithe, giving of our love and giving to the church. We see numerous verses on giving and on making the most of our money.
God is Forgetful
God forgives and forgets our sins. Guilt is a terrible human emotion and God gives us the ability to lose the guilt. We should understand forgiveness as David did even though he had sinned so mightily.
Clean and Unclean Meats
We have seen both in the Old and the New Testaments how the eating of unclean meats is an abomination to God. There is no place in the New Testament where God rescinds His laws of clean and unclean foods.
Statement of Faith Church of God (Seventh Day)
“The Church of God (Seventh Day) endeavors to carry out the Great Commission by discipling people for the Lord Jesus Christ through evangelism and instruction from the Word of God.”
The Trinity
The Doctrine of the Trinity is, “the highest and most mysterious doctrine of the Christian religion. It declares there are three Persons in the Godhead, or divine nature—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, and that ‘these three are one true, eternal God
Love and Marriage
It is God’s will for us to be reconciled with Him and with His son Jesus. God is the epitome of love and only through heartfelt pure unadulterated Godly love can we be a part of God’s family.